This is a guest post from conservative!Jai, making a case for a stronger America.
America is the greatest country in the world. A beacon of democracy, slayer of the evil empire of the Soviet Union, defender of freedom. A thriving bastion of individualism that refuses to conform, unique and exceptional among all countries in the world. Ours is a nation built on courage, determination, hard work, and respect, and from that foundation it has grown to become the most powerful country ever in the history of the world. America is strong, and that strength has always come from our greatest asset: Americans. And as we face a world of growing threats, we need to grow stronger still. We need to tap into that greatest of all powers in the history of nations.
We need more Americans.
And let me be very specific: We are not talking about handouts. We are not talking about pity, or charity. We are talking about recruiting those who embody the American spirit across the world, those individuals who will strengthen our union and make every man, woman, and child in this country safer, wealthier, and ever more capable of pursuing happiness and the American Dream. Hard workers. Inventors. Creators. People who go against the grain, who don’t take “no” for an answer, who believe in themselves as individuals who can make their own choices to better themselves and their communities. People who love freedom and respect their neighbors’ rights, people who love peace and understand that it sometimes comes at a cost.
Right now there are three Chinese citizens for every one American - Three times as many people under the boot of the Chinese Communist Party. But they have two crucial weaknesses. First, they are not a free nation. Forced to march in lockstep, they are less resilient, committing themselves to mistakes which none dare speak up against. But the second and far greater weakness is this: No one wants to live under a boot. Across the world, millions of the hardest working, most creative, most ingenious individuals have their eyes fixed on one destination: The United States of America. These are Americans-in-waiting, heroes who yearn to pursue the American dream, who share our values, who believe in freedom.
We deserve a stronger America. We deserve a wealthier America. We deserve a freer America. And we can have it, and we should have it, and we will have it. We will build a future with More America. Because we can. Because we must. Because it’s right.
Be a patriot. Tell your representative America deserves the best, and demand that we grow stronger by recruiting the best that the world has to offer.